Editor's Note
We cannot live in a world that is not our own, in a world that is interpreted for us by others. Part of the terror is to take back our own listening, to use our own voice, to see our own light." ~ Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179) – Christian Mystic & Visionary
A Tribute to the Women Who Move Mountains
There is a quiet, unshakable force that has shaped our world since the beginning of time. It is the hands that have held nations together, the voices that have risen in the face of injustice, and the hearts that have refused to break even when burdened beyond measure. That force is, woman.

As we celebrate International Women's Month, this 8th special edition of Doing Good Deeds is dedicated to the unstoppable, unbreakable spirit of women across the globe. Women who rise. Women who lead. Women who heal. Women who love fiercely, fight bravely, and create change where the world once said, "It cannot be done."
From the mothers rebuilding war torn communities, to the activists rewriting history, to the everyday heroes making kindness their legacy, this issue is a love letter to you. To every woman who has ever felt unseen, unheard, or underestimated, know this, your light is changing the world.

Inside these pages, we shine a spotlight on the extraordinary good that women are doing. Stories of courage, resilience, and impact. This is more than a celebration. It is a call to action. Because when one woman steps into her power, she lifts generations with her. Together, we are a force that no barrier, no injustice, no outdated belief can withstand.

In this issue, we spotlight inspiring initiatives like Animals Australia's efforts in Gaza, the Older Women's Network's advocacy, and the Life You Can Save movement, empowering people to take action against poverty. We also explore the latest half-a-billion-dollar health package for Australian women and South Australia's new scholarships for female entrepreneurs, designed to foster growth and innovation.

Women's leadership is a force for change. We share insights from Yumi Lee, CEO of OWN, and feature Silver Sirens, a powerful community for women over 50.

In keeping with our special International Women's Month edition, I share a very personal reflection from my India Retreat travels. I open up about the moments that cracked me open, the lessons whispered through the winds of ancient sacred lands, and the profound realisation that true power doesn't come from force, but from surrender. I also share my recent collaboration with Deepak Chopra and what it was like to not just meet with but work alongside one of my heroes.

We invite you to explore in these pages the smorgasbord of causes to support, recommended reads and free guided meditations . We want to whet your appetite and entice you to get involved, because doing good isn't just an action, it's a way of being. Every small deed, every act of kindness, every moment of compassion ripples out into the world in ways we can't always see.

May this edition inspire you, move you, and remind you of what we all know deep within, women are the heartbeat of change.

With fearless love and unwavering belief in you,

Anjani Amriit
Editor-in-Chief, Doing Good Deeds

P.S. Your support is invaluable. Please help us spread the love by sharing this magazine with your networks.

P.P.S If you have a good deeds story please reach out to us at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you.

Animal Welfare: A Compassionate World for All Living Beings
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." – Mahatma Gandhi
In our journey of doing good, we recognise that kindness and compassion must extend beyond human beings to the animals we share this planet with. Animal welfare is not just about preventing cruelty, it is about fostering a world where all creatures are treated with dignity, respect, and love.

Why Animal Welfare Matters

- Protecting Biodiversity: Every species plays a vital role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystems.
- Ethical Responsibility: As guardians of the planet, we have a duty to protect those who cannot speak for themselves.
- Interconnected Wellbeing: A humane society benefits both animals and people, fostering empathy and responsibility.

Ways to Make a Difference

Making a meaningful impact on animal welfare doesn't have to be complicated—small, everyday choices can collectively drive big change. Here are simple and actionable ways you can help:

Adopt, Don't Shop – If you're considering a pet, visit your local animal shelter or rescue organisation instead of buying from pet stores or breeders. Adoption saves lives and reduces the number of animals in shelters.

Support Ethical Brands – Look for cruelty-free and sustainable products in your daily life, from cosmetics to household items. Check out the Cruelty-Free International Guide to learn more and make informed decisions.
Plan for Your Pet's Future – Have you considered what would happen to your pet if something happened to you? The Home Ever After program by RSPCA ensures that your beloved companion will always have a loving home. Registering is free for those who include a gift in their Will.
Advocate for Stronger Laws – Raise awareness and support policies that protect animals from harm. Sign petitions, contact local representatives, or join campaigns run by organisations like Animals Australia.
Every action, no matter how small, contributes to a more compassionate world for animals.
Women empowerment, Malala Yousafzai, Female education
A Lifeline for Gaza's Animals: The First Aid Truck Arrives, But More Help is Needed
Amidst the devastation in Gaza, a beacon of hope has arrived, the first full aid truck dedicated to helping animals since the war began. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Animals Australia and their international team, 16 tonnes of much needed food successfully crossed the Rafah border from Egypt into Gaza.

This historic moment marks the beginning of a long recovery journey for the starving cats, dogs, donkeys, horses, and birds left struggling to survive. For over 15 months, no aid trucks carrying food for animals had been allowed through. But today, because of the generosity of compassionate supporters, hope has returned.

The Crisis for Animals in Gaza

The war in Gaza has left thousands of animals abandoned, starving, and in dire conditions. When the conflict began in October 2023, Sulala Animal Rescue, Gaza's only official animal welfare organisation, stocked up as much food as possible. However, as months passed and borders remained closed, food supplies dwindled to nothing.

Despite impossible conditions, the Sulala team refused to give up. They continued to care for as many animals as possible, navigating a war zone to provide food and shelter. One previous aid attempt failed when the Rafah crossing was abruptly closed. But finally, against all odds, the first shipment of food has arrived.

A Second Aid Truck is Urgently Needed - How You Can Make a Difference

While this first aid truck is a lifeline, the need is still immense. Animals Australia is now working against the clock to send a second truck filled with food for Gaza's animals, including dogs, cats, donkeys, and horses.

With hundreds of cats, dogs, and working animals impacted by the war, your donation can provide essential food, medical aid, and emergency support. Every contribution helps bring relief to animals suffering in crisis. to make a differences.

This isn't just about feeding animals, it's about compassion, responsibility, and taking action for those who have no voice. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps ensure that animals in crisis receive food, medical care, and protection.

This story is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, acts of kindness and solidarity can change lives.
When the Divine Calls ...
An excerpt from my travel diary in February 2024...
LAST MONTH I received a Divine call from my Guru Sri Sakthi Amma Narayani. And no, She didn't call me on the phone or email me. But She did make it ridiculously clear that it was time for me to visit her ashram in India again. I'll explain how She did call me in just a moment but first let me back track a little.


The last three times I visited my Guru at Her ashram were, in all honesty, well, brutal. Not in a, 'you should never go there again kind of way',  but in a 'let's work through some of your deepest karma and samskaras (energy imprints / tendencies from previous lifetimes that we are all born with') kind of way.

Suffice it to say, I ended up in Amma's hospital each time, the last visit landing me in ICU with COVID! Amma has built a hospital and Ayurvedic centre at Her ashram as well as many other charitable projects.

Now while you may be thinking 'wow how unfortunate', please understand that the Divine, and particularly a Guru, works in very mysterious ways. Nothing is ever what it seems on the outside.

While I was in ICU fighting for my life, Amma was literally pulling all the grief that had been stagnant in my lungs after the sudden and shocking passing of my older brother to cancer almost ten years prior.

I only realised this weeks after I returned home and started to experience the absence of grief and trauma I would feel on a daily basis at the loss of my beloved brother. COVID was simply the easiest way Amma could facilitate that for me whilst under Her watchful eye at Her hospital. I could now think about him and talk about him without bursting into tears. My days were no longer seemingly pointless. I rediscovered joy.


So when the call came for me to return to Amma's ashram, I was reluctant to say the least. But She was persistant, presenting me with many synchronicities.

One of my good friends rang me and said, they had decided to go to Amma's ashram. They hadn't been for nine years. He said he would love for me to join him and his family and have that experience with them.

There was a big part of me that really wanted to go with them, and have a fun time and hang out with them. But I wasn't really feeling to go so I and said no.

Then another friend of mine, who was going to the ashram asked me when I was going next. I told him I had no plans to go this year at all. I said that I didn't want to go back until the influence of Rahu (astrology period) had ended in my chart. Rahu can be quite a tricky period to navigate and can bring lots of delusion and mishaps.

I'm currently learning Jyotish or Vedic astrology so was keenly aware that this time period wouldn't be the best of times to travel because I'm dealing with some tricky karmic lessons.

Added to the Rahu period, going to an ashram typically is an opportunity to face, process and heal our karma or personal unconscious wounds. I'd had enough difficult trips and really didn't feel like going again for another dose of 'karmic medicine' in this testy Rahu time period I was in. I wanted to wait and have a bit more ease and grace.

So I left it at that.

Then about four weeks later the first friend rang me again. It was about a week before they were due to fly out to India. He said, 'Hey, did you have any second thoughts about coming?'

I said, 'No, I'm struggling with a stomach issue. And I really don't want to go to India with a stomach issue. If by some miracle it clears up, then I'll consider it.'

In truth, I had zero intention of going. My constitution isn't the strongest at the best of times and I really did not want to go to a place like India with a stomach problem.

That day, I went to my cranio sacral therapist for my monthly bodywork session. He worked on my neck and head and as I was on the massage table my stomach started gurgling and releasing a huge amount of energy.

Suffice it to say, the next day, my stomach issue that I had been struggling with for three months...disappeared. The bloating, the pain was gone. It went back to normal.

In my spiritual practice that night, (yantra puja - a sacred ritual involving mantra chanting and devotional practice), I asked Amma on the inner plane to bring me written confirmation if I was to go to the ashram.

The next morning, I woke up to a text message and an audio message from the second friend who, by the way, NEVER messages me. It was completely out of the ordinary for him to do that.

In his message he had given me all the details of his trip, who he was flying with, where they were staying and who was going. If I decided to go, I could travel with them so I wouldn't have to go alone!

This was getting very suspicious indeed...

Here was my 'written' confirmation.

Yet still, I was hesitant.

So I again asked my Guru in my meditation that day, to bring me further evidence to seal the deal, to make it really clear to me if She wanted me to go.

The next morning I went out for breakfast with some friends, one of whom was in town from Canberra. I don't normally go out for breakfast so this was out of my usual routine.

At breakfast I notice a woman sitting at the table next to us. Her face seemed really familiar. I couldn't remember from where I knew her but she seemed familiar.

I was sharing the recent events with my friends about the whole will I won't I go to Peedam (the ashram). I had said to them that I was thinking to pop into Flight Centre after breakfast just to see what flights were available and how much they were.

As we were leaving, I leaned over to the woman at the next table and said, 'Excuse me, your save face seems really familiar. Do I know you?'

She beamed at me and said, 'Yes, it's me, Emma, from the Flight Centre!'

Okay, okay, I get the message Amma!!

That sealed it for me. I headed directly to Flight Centre. I was able to get on the same flight as my friends and it was a super cheap flight, even though it was a week away only. Before I knew it, I was handing over my credit card.

I booked for 10 days. As I shared with my friends, that I was actually going, they were super excited and said, 'isn't it amazing, we're going to be there for Shivaratri (festival of Lord Siva). I had no idea it was Shivaratri the week that I was going to be there. Historically, I've always felt very close to Shiva and have had many recollections of lifetimes serving and being very devoted to Shiva.

Siva is the Hindu God who represents formlessness, bliss and peace. So that was the icing on the cake for me!

This was so like Amma to cook up something amazing like this.

As I followed the synchronicities, they led back back to my beloved Guru once again.



l met my friends at the airport and we instantly started swapping Amma stories. It's always thrilling when this happens and personally for me incredibly enriching to be with my spiritual community.

As we are waiting at the gate to board the plane I start seeing many other old friends from my spiritual community that I hadn't seen for years, even decades, joining the queue to board our plane!

Trust Amma to arrange this!

The entire trip turned out to be such an amazing homecoming with many, many people that I hadn't seen for years all at the ashram at the same time. Reconnecting with everyone after many years was an absolute joy.

Amma had called us all to home together. What a blessing!


The trip itself was for me incredibly humbling and filled with so many blessings. Amma just gives and gives and gives.

A lot of what happened between my Guru and I is sacred and not to be shared. But I will share some of the highlights with you because sometimes we just need to hear miraculous wonderful stories. Because such accounts are like seeds that get planted in your mind and energy body that one day, with the right conditions, can germinate into beautiful blessings for you.

You see, there is way more to life than the physical material world we can see, hear, taste, touch and smell around us.

There is an aspect of life that is more subtle, that is beyond the physical form, that truly exists. And if we take time to connect with it, will reveal itself to us in the form of the magical and miraculous in our lives.


There is a huge golden temple known as Sripuram (Sri refers to the Goddess Laxmi and 'puram' means abode). To get to the centre where the statue of Laxmi is situated you walk along the 'star path'. This path is 1.8 kilometer's and is shaped like a six pointed star.

The temple and star path were constructed in accordance with Vedic vasthu (sacred geometry). As you walk along the star path your own energy field and chakras receive massive activation and become filled with high vibrational energy.

On my first morning walking around the star path, I reach the centrepiece where a huge statue of Mother Laxmi is situated.

Normally you pay a few dollars to go and sit in front of this incredible murti (living emanation of the Divine in a physical form - typically a statue). But I cannot give my money away! The priests just keep waving me through. I thought, 'okay I'll pay when I come out.'

As I sit down, I begin receiving darshan (blessings) from this exquisite murti. I close my eyes and all of a sudden, my heart starts to beat fast as my heart chakra starts to spontaneously activate and spin. I burst into tears. I'm bathed in an overwhelming sense of love.

I sat there until the tears abate and then offer my gratitude for being called back home to this heavenly place.

As I go to leave, I try offering money to the priests and they just kept shaking their heads no and instead give me a spiritual goodie bag containing a picture of Goddess Laxmi inside for my altar, a blessed string and other items.

The next day, I went to visit Goddess Laxmi again at the golden temple. There is no one else there. Just me and the priests. Bearing in mind this place has between 6000 and 60,000 visitors a day!

The priest is chanting softly and gently. There is a cool breeze wafting across the exquisitely manicured gardens. My eyes are fixed on Laxmi.

Again I close my eyes and as soon as I do I perceived a massive lotus flower emerging from the inner sanctum where Goddess Laxmi is situated.

With my eyes closed, the lotus then turns into a gigantic white swan and as I look up (still with my eyes closed) I witness Laxmi Narayani in her light form. She appears to me approximately 500 feet tall, iridescent and incandescent. She flood me with love and whispers, 'Sing to me'.

My ego immediately went into resistance.

'Im not singing in a temple where there are priests chanting and people can hear me. People will think I've lost the plot!' retorts my ego.

At that moment, the priests stop chanting.

Again Laxmi Narayani says 'Sing to me'.

So what do you do when the Divine Mother asks you to sing to her?

I start singing very quietly, tears of absolute love and bliss cascading down my face like a dam that's burst its banks. There's no stopping this outpouring of love.

It felt like an incredible interweaving of our energies. I felt that this essence was a part of me as much as it was outside of me.

After, I don't know how long, I open my eyes and sheepishly look around me. There were people everywhere but it was like they hadn't seen a thing! Just our little secret then!


A few days later came another unexpected event.

It was the day of Maha Shivaratri - a sacred day in the Hindu calendar to celebrate Lord Siva, the destroyer of evil.

There were all day celebrations starting with a three hour fire puja (ceremony). It was a feast for the eyes and ears as the priests chanted the entire time while offering fruits and sacred items into the fire.

I felt so full of energy after this that I decided I wasn't going to go to the afternoon celebrations.

On my way back to my room in the ashram I bumped into a friend who said, 'Oh, you have to go to the afternoon puja. It's where they dress Narayani as Shiva. It's incredibly powerful'.

Amma typically will send these messages to you while you're staying at the ashram through other people. It's always a good idea to really listen and be on the lookout for these subtle signs, directions and guidance.

So that afternoon, even though I was extremely tired, I put my sari on and went to the puja. I was late getting there and the priests were in full swing.

The temple was packed to the rafters so I sat outside far from the inner sanctum. And as I sat down, I kept feeling the impulse to get up and walk directly to the inner sanctum. I could see all my friends in the inner sanctum. So I did.

As I walked around, past the priests they just stepped aside and let me in. It was crowded, but everyone kind of moved up and in true Indian style made room for me.

I sat down and instantly felt a blast of energy that felt like pure bliss. The chanting was really loud. The lights were off and the ghee lamps from the the inner sanctum where the deity was situated were casting magnificent shadows on the deity inside.

It was an incredible spectacle to behold.

The ceremony lasted over three hours with chanting, abishenkam (bathing of the deity) offerings to the deity.

After the ceremony had ended we all stood up and filed out of the temple...I couldn't feel my body, it was in bliss. Even though I was awake, talking and walking, I could not feel my body. 

It took a little while for the feeling to come back in my body. I felt incredibly blessed to receive such an experience.


If all that wasn't enough, the night before I was due to leave I was called for a private meeting with Amma at Her home.

I was actually asleep in bed and was abruptly woken up at 11.30pm by a loud banging on my door. 'Maam, Amma is calling!'

I jumped out of bed and got dressed quickly and ran out the door. You don't keep the Divine Mother waiting.

As I arrived, Amma was doing a puja to Narayani as She has done every day for the last 30 or so years.

It was just me, and the priests. And it was absolutely beautiful, peaceful and gentle.

My mind was saying, 'how could a girl from Yorkshire get to sit at the house of the Divine Mother and witness a private puja and receive all of these blessings?' It was surreal.

I closed my eyes and surrendered my mind to Amma holding love and gratitude in my heart. I sank deeply into the chanting and lost myself for an eon.

If that as if that wasn't enough, Amma then invited me into Her home. As we sat down together She said to me, 'So what is happening in Australia?

I laughed because in my head I'd been wanting to update Arma with everything that had been happening in my life since I last saw Her. Clearly She knew this!

She very lovingly listened to my outpouring and then She fed me. She called one of her priests over to make me a bowl of fruit from Her plate. They did, but they forgot the grapes. Amma noticed this and made the priest come back. Amma took some grapes with Her own hand and put them in my bowl.

It was such a magnificent blessing to have the Divine Mother actually feed you, from Her own hand with grapes!

I asked Amma, if she would draw a logo for the charity that I am launching this year - The House of Amrita Foundation. She took a pen and paper and drew this beautiful logo, two hands and two hearts.

She showed it to me and smiled and said, 'Two hands and two hearts for giving and receiving love.'

I said, 'Amma thank you so much. It's beautiful.' She then took it back and drew something else. She drew a little house over it and said, 'For the HOUSE of Amrita.' I was overwhelmed with gratitude.

I really wanted to ask Amma for a selfie in that moment and so asked Her if I could take one. She laughed and said 'No'.

But then as soon as I sat back down, someone walked into the room and Amma invited me to sit at her feet. She then asked them to take a photo of us.

It is the photo at the top of this written piece. 

I didn't even notice at first, but if you look closely you will see that Amma's hands are shaped like a heart.

I've always wanted a photo was my guru. It's beyond words, to say how much this means to me.

I have two cats. They're basically my babies. I've had them 19 years. They were rescue cats only three weeks old when I became their human mummy.

My girl cat had been very sick for a few months in the run up to going to India. After many visits to the vet and the vet hospital it was clear that she was suffering a major illness and was not going to pull through.

It was such a difficult decision to leave her and go to India in the first place but I knew that if there was any chance of helping her it would be going to visit Amma.

During my audience with Amma, She asked about my cats and I told Her about my girl cat and how sick she was. I didn't ask Amma to cure my cat. I just poured out my grief to Amma and Amma just sat and listened.

Its been over three weeks since I returned home from India. My cat is not only still around but she is back to her old self. No sign of her illness. She's put weight on and is bouncing around the house like she used to do.

I wake up every morning and reach over to her (she sleeps at my feet) and say to her, 'My beautiful little miracle'.

And now, back home, I'm buzzing with new energy and excited to bring a piece of that peace into everything I do. If you've ever thought about going on a journey like this, watch this space as Im planning a retreat to India later in the year.

Wishing you all the peace, joy and bliss of the Divine.


Update March 2025...

It is now 12 months since I write this piece. I returned to the ashram in November last year with a beautiful group of women. They demonstrated such courage and grace and we had an amazingly powerful and empowered retreat there. Once of the best ever for me to be honest. 

Now I am about to return once again to my Divine Mother's home in a few days time. My girl cat finally made her transition out of her body into the afterlife. I had an entire 12 months of pure joy with her which I believe would never have happened had I note brought it to Amma's attention. 

I have some trepidation about going again. What will be in store for me. This time my boy cat is extremely unwell. I am facing the same situation yet again. Leaving my fur baby to go to India when he is really sick. Part of me doesn't want to leave him. But another part of me knows that being so close to a Divine avatar will bring so much grace to him and my life. So I will go with trust and surrender in my heart. 

Life on a spiritual path isn't easy but it's certainly never boring and there is no room for leaving the engine to idle. 

If you are reading this I hope these words spark some recognition in you of your own soul and its journey and perhaps you might feel called to join me sometime. Until then, may your life be blessed with joy, happiness and peace and may your mind be guided to creating that in your physical life. 

Om Namo Narayani xx

P.S - my next India retreat is in October 2025. For all details and bookings CLICK HERE

Amplifying the Voices of Older Women: An Interview with Yumi Lee, CEO of OWN NSW
Older women in Australia face increasing challenges, from financial insecurity to housing instability and the ongoing fight against ageism.

Yet, organisations like the Older Women's Network NSW (OWN NSW) are leading the charge to create a fairer, more supportive society for older women. At the helm of this movement is Yumi Lee, a dedicated advocate for social justice and women's rights.

In this exclusive interview, she shares the realities older women face, the strides OWN NSW has made, and the work still to be done.

Can you tell us about your journey as a peace and women's rights activist?

Growing up in Malaysia, it was drummed into good girls that they would be teachers, nurses or lawyers. Options such as social workers or political activists were not even considered, let alone spoken about.

As a former British colony, the country kept the draconian 'Internal Security Act' which gives the government the right to detain anyone it considers a threat without trial for two years. So you can imagine that political activism is never an option. It was only when I came to Australia to begin my PhD that I was able to realise my passion as a women's and peace activist. It was so liberating to be able to go on marches!

What motivates you to continue advocating for older women and social justice?

I feel grateful that I have been able to continue advocating for an improvement in the status of women. I'm now working for the Older Women's Network so naturally, the focus is now on older women. I lived overseas for 12 years recently, and when I returned, it was a shock to me to find that older women are living in their cars in Australia.

I had lived in Nepal and Vietnam when overseas, so it was easy to observe how poverty impacts the population. For those of us living in metropolitan areas in Australia, poverty is relatively hidden. That's the problem for getting more energy behind the policy changes we need to see to support those who are vulnerable. And increasingly, older women are in that cohort. I live in hope that we all care enough to act for a fairer, more equitable, less violent society.
What have been some of the most meaningful moments in your work with OWN NSW?

I think as a social change worker who is disturbed by the level of violence in our communities, one of the most meaningful moments in my work with OWN NSW is one which is the result of our partnership with Dr Catherine Barrett. We've been working together for a few years now to end violence against older women - especially those living in aged care. When the federal government brought in the Serious Incident Response scheme to enable aged care providers to report incidents to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, it gave providers the option to say that a sexual assault which had taken place had no impact on the victim.

Anyone who works with sexual assault victims know that this is not the case. Even if you have dementia, the body remembers - and people with dementia also have lucid moments. We managed to agitate for this to be changed. While it is not earth shattering stuff like achieving world peace, it is a small step amongst many which must be taken to end violence against women, including older women. It reminds me that advocacy can work - but it takes partnership, and dogged determination. Other meaningful moments include those when women come up to me to say that the activities offered by OWN have given them a purpose to keep active and fit.

This was especially the case during the COVID lockdowns. We pivoted very quickly to providing online classes and helping older women get online. That was really meaningful for me - to be able to give older women trapped in their homes an opportunity to connect with others and have a sense of community during a very socially isolating and difficult time. Most recently, one of the most impactful moments for me was the expression of solidarity with Gisele Pelicot.

We sent her a silk scarf with a design by an older First Nations artist, Mulyatingki Marney. Gisele wore it for court appearances, and on the day of the verdict. It reminds me that the issue of violence against women is a global blight, and women must stand together to end it. No matter where we are in the world, it's a problem. Our group in the Blue Mountains is running an excellent housing initiative which aims to pair older women who are housing insecure with compassionate homeowners who are willing to rent their space to them at affordable rates. We also have an employment service which helps women who are over 50 to find jobs. I remember the team cheering when the first older woman secured employment - that was a special moment!

What shocking statistic can you share with our readers that they possibly are currently unaware of to help them understand the gravity of the issues that older women are facing?

Some of the shocking statistics are as follows: (i) 40 - 50 sexual assaults are reported every week in aged care facilities. The majority of victims are women. (ii) 365,000 older women reported elder abuse in 2023. Family perpetrators and mainly adult children. (iii) >400,000 women over 45 are at risk of homelessness (iv) 34% of older women who are single live in poverty (v) There's been an 40% increase in homelessness amongst older women between 2011 and 2021.

What do you think makes OWN NSW unique in supporting older women?

We are unique in supporting older women because we are the only organisation which has a focus on supporting older women. There are over 20 groups in NSW run by volunteers offering activities to help older women get socially connected and active. We also lobby and advocate on behalf of older women for better economic and social policies impacting the security of women.

How does OWN NSW help tackle major issues like homelessness, elder abuse, and violence against women?

There are a number of strategies we use to highlight how these issues impact older women. We identify the key focus areas for policy change and work with like-minded organisations to build the momentum for change. We speak to bureaucrats, politicians and members of the community. We also raise awareness amongst members and supporters. Policy change takes time, effort, and a lot of perseverance.

We've been working with other organisations, for instance, to try to get a specialist homelessness service for older people in NSW. It's a campaign of a few years standing now but we're not giving up hope. Another strategy we use is to provide direct services - such as a housing support service in the Blue Mountains, and the employment service. This is a practical way to address issues of poverty. Although we are not funded to do so, we also write submissions for parliamentary inquiries and have fronted up to these inquiries.

What impact have you seen OWN NSW make in the lives of older women across New South Wales?

If you speak to the women who come to the various activities, you may hear things like "I love OWN because I can go to activities which are tailored just for older women like me and it's a safe space". For those who have been housed by the housing service in the Blue Mountains, the impact of having a home is very profound. It makes an enormous difference to have a safe base so you can age with dignity.

The same goes for those who have been employed thanks to the help that Sharon, our Pathways to Employment Coordinator, has given them. We also try to address ageism, which is such an insiduous form of discrimination which is perpetrated not only externally, but also internally within ourselves. We need to not only have the right environment with housing and financial security to age in dignity, but also the mindset to embrace our ageing wholeheartedly. It's a challenge, and we hope that more older women will join us in the journey.

What are some exciting projects or initiatives OWN NSW is working on that you'd like to share?

We would love your readers to know and share the information that we're still continuing to provide employment support for women over 50. This service has been delivering good results so we know that it works. We're also developing training resources to assist frontline workers to better respond to disclosures of sexual assault by older women. We are also very pleased that the housing service in Blue Mountains will continue to help older women facing housing insecurity there. We are always looking for funding to keep these services going and to expand them. So if any reader would like to help us in this regard, please feel free to reach out to me!
How can individuals or communities help create a more inclusive and supportive environment for older women?

Simply by seeing them, hearing them, and including them. So basic, and yet, this seems to be so hard to achieve. Our communities are not age inclusive, gender sensitive and respectful spaces for older women. We need more inter-generational communication and interaction, and all levels of government to take older women seriously. Let's start with being kind and respectful on the personal level, and extend that to the political level.
How can people get involved or support the work of OWN NSW?

People can support the work of OWN by becoming a member! We know that our ageist society makes it hard for women to call themselves older. Our research tells us that women don't want to join OWN because they don't want to identify as 'older'. Becoming a member helps us with our lobbying and advocacy because we can say we represent 'X' number of older women - and the more it is, the louder our voices get in calling for change. We are always looking for opportunities for partnerships with likeminded businesses, and also funding and expertise support. Anything which an organisation can use like ours can use to improve our impact will be welcomed.

Is there a message you'd like to share with our readers about the importance of supporting older women?

Ageing is a privilege - getting to become an older woman is a gift. We way we treat our older women is symptomatic of how we value women and ageing. We should not be a country where older women have to sleep in cars because we've failed as a community to provide affordable, safe housing. When we are younger, old age is a foreign country for which we have no desire to visit. However, it's a place which is waiting for all of us who manage to get there. Let's make is a space which is welcoming, safe and secure. Because one day, we'll be living there.
Silver Sirens: Redefining Ageing and Empowering Women Over 50
Why Redefining Ageing Matters

For too long, society has imposed limiting beliefs on women as they age—pushing the narrative that they should become invisible, slow down, or fade into the background. But at Silver Sirens, the message is clear: It's never too late to start anew, chase dreams, and live boldly.

With women over 55 being the fastest-growing group of homeless Australians, it's more important than ever to create networks of support, advocacy, and meaningful connections. Silver Sirens challenges the stigma surrounding ageing, menopause, and traditional gender roles, instead championing a future where every woman can thrive in her own way.

A Community of Strength and Possibility

Silver Sirens is not just a support group—it's a movement. Through powerful events, engaging conversations, and an online sanctuary for like-minded women, it provides a space to share experiences, build resilience, and encourage one another to continue evolving, growing, and leading.

Women in this community are shifting their priorities from caregiving to self-discovery, focusing on entrepreneurship, wellness, personal growth, and legacy-building. Whether single, partnered, or exploring new paths, Silver Sirens offers a place where every woman is seen, heard, and valued.

Join the Silver Sirens Movement

Silver Sirens offers multiple ways to get involved, from exclusive memberships with access to resources, masterclasses, and community events to its annual Redefining Ageing conference that brings together inspiring voices.

Join the community today and become part of a powerful collective rewriting the story of women's ageing.
How do you define ageing on your own terms? Join the conversation...
A Game-Changer for Women's Health: What You Need to Know About Australia's $573 Million Health Package
The Australian government has announced a groundbreaking $573 million women's health package aimed at making essential healthcare more accessible and affordable. This initiative is set to revolutionise support for women by subsidising menopause treatments, improving access to contraceptives, and increasing Medicare rebates for critical health services.
Affordable Menopause Treatments

From 1 March 2025, menopausal hormone therapies such as Estrogel Pro, Estrogel, and Prometrium will be listed under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). Currently, more than 100,000 Australian women pay around $650 per year for these treatments out of pocket. With the new subsidy, eligible women will pay just $7.70 per month with a concession card or $31.60 per month as general patients, making a significant impact on affordability.

Dr. Sonia Davison, an endocrinology expert, emphasised how long menopausal women have had their symptoms dismissed and struggled with costly treatments. This move is a step towards recognising menopause as a significant health issue that requires affordable solutions.

New Subsidised Oral Contraceptives

For the first time in over 30 years, new oral contraceptive pills, Yaz and Yasmin, will be subsidised under the PBS, saving 50,000 women hundreds of dollars each year. Women who previously paid $380 per year for these pills will now pay just $126.40, or $30.80 with a concession card.

Additionally, Medicare rebates for IUD insertion and removal will increase by up to 150%, reducing out-of-pocket costs for up to 300,000 women each year. The government aims to eliminate financial barriers to contraception, making it easier, safer, and more affordable for women to take control of their reproductive health.

Expanding Women's Health Services

Beyond subsidies, the package includes plans to:

- Establish more pelvic pain clinics to help women suffering from endometriosis and chronic pain.

- Provide greater Medicare rebates for menopause health assessments and long-term contraceptive procedures.

- Offer bulk-billed IUD and birth control implant insertions, saving women up to $400 in medical costs.

The government hopes that these measures will not only improve accessibility but also address systemic gender biases in healthcare. Assistant Health Minister Ged Kearney called the package a way to combat medical misogyny, ensuring that women's health concerns are taken seriously.

What This Means for You

This historic investment recognises that women's health is essential and should not be a financial burden. Whether you're approaching menopause, managing reproductive health, or dealing with chronic conditions, this package is designed to make quality healthcare more affordable and accessible.

What do you think?
 Do these reforms address the biggest challenges women face in healthcare? Share your thoughts!
Australia's International Gender Equality Strategy: A Bold Vision for Women's Empowerment
Australia has reaffirmed its commitment to gender equality on the global stage with the launch of its International Gender Equality Strategy. This strategy is a landmark initiative aimed at ensuring women and girls worldwide have the opportunity to lead, thrive, and contribute meaningfully to their societies.

Gender equality isn't just a fundamental human right—it's a powerful driver of economic and social progress. When women and girls are empowered, entire communities benefit. Recognising this, the Australian government has embedded gender equality into its foreign policy, development assistance, and trade agreements to drive systemic change in the Indo-Pacific and beyond.

The Five Key Pillars of Change

The International Gender Equality Strategy is built on five core priorities designed to address long-standing challenges and create sustainable opportunities for women globally:
1. Ending Gender-Based Violence and Protecting Women's Rights

Violence against women remains one of the most pressing human rights issues worldwide. The strategy commits to supporting initiatives that tackle domestic violence, workplace harassment, and discrimination. By funding programs that offer legal protection, access to healthcare, and safe environments, Australia is ensuring that women and girls can live free from violence and oppression.
2. Elevating Women's Leadership and Political Participation

Around the world, women remain underrepresented in leadership roles, from politics to business and community organisations. This strategy focuses on dismantling barriers that prevent women from taking up leadership positions. Through mentorship programs, capacity-building initiatives, and policy advocacy, the goal is to empower women to shape decisions that affect their lives and their communities.
3. Advancing Women's Economic Equality and Financial Independence

Economic independence is key to gender equality. The strategy prioritises:

- Equal pay and job opportunities
- Support for women-led businesses and entrepreneurship
- Financial literacy programs
- Access to trade and investment opportunities

By closing the gender pay gap and increasing women's participation in the workforce, Australia is helping to create a more inclusive and resilient global economy.
4. Climate Action and Gender-Inclusive Humanitarian Response

Climate change and natural disasters disproportionately affect women, particularly in developing countries where they bear the brunt of resource shortages and displacement. Australia's strategy ensures that climate policies and humanitarian aid programs are gender-responsive, acknowledging the role women play in environmental conservation and community resilience.
5. Strengthening Gender-Responsive Peace and Security Efforts

Women are often excluded from peace negotiations and conflict resolution processes, despite their significant role in rebuilding communities post-conflict. Australia is committed to supporting women's participation in peacekeeping, security, and crisis response efforts, ensuring they have a seat at the table when it comes to shaping stable and secure societies.
What This Means for Women in Australia and Globally

This strategy isn't just about policy—it's about real-world impact. By prioritising gender equality in international relations, Australia is influencing trade agreements, foreign aid distribution, and diplomatic engagements in ways that benefit women worldwide.

For Australian women, this means:

- More opportunities to engage in leadership and entrepreneurship
- Stronger protections against workplace and domestic violence
- Increased access to funding and support for women-led businesses

For women in developing nations, it means:

- More resources for education, healthcare, and economic participation
- Greater inclusion in political and decision-making processes
- Stronger support systems during crises and conflicts
What do you think?
 What are your thoughts on Australia's role in global gender equality? How do you think this strategy can create real change?
South Australia's Scholarships for Female Entrepreneurs: Fueling Business Growth and Economic Empowerment
Why Female Entrepreneurship Matters

Women-led businesses play a crucial role in shaping economic landscapes worldwide. Research consistently shows that female entrepreneurs reinvest more of their earnings into their families and communities, contributing to overall social and economic development. However, despite their potential, women continue to face systemic barriers such as limited access to capital, mentorship, and business networks.

According to a report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, female entrepreneurs represent about 35% of all small business owners in the country, yet they receive significantly less investment and funding compared to their male counterparts. This new scholarship program in South Australia is a strategic effort to change this narrative by ensuring that women have the tools, resources, and support necessary to thrive in the business world.

What the Scholarships Offer

These scholarships provide women with financial grants, business training, and mentorship opportunities, equipping them with essential skills in leadership, finance, and strategic growth. Key features of the program include:

- Funding Assistance: Financial grants to help women start or expand their businesses, covering crucial costs such as product development, marketing, and operational expenses.

- Educational Support: Access to business training, workshops, and leadership development programs designed to enhance skills in financial management, business strategy, and innovation.

- Mentorship and Networking: Opportunities to connect with successful business leaders, industry experts, and other female entrepreneurs, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing.

- Access to Business Resources: Guidance in navigating business regulations, digital marketing, and securing additional investment or funding.

By addressing the challenges that often hinder female entrepreneurship, this initiative is designed to create long-term, sustainable opportunities for women in business.

The Bigger Picture: Economic and Social Impact

Supporting female entrepreneurs does not just benefit individual businesses—it has a ripple effect across society. Women-led businesses have been shown to:

- Create More Jobs: Women reinvest up to 90% of their income back into their communities, fostering economic stability and employment growth.
- Drive Innovation: Many women entrepreneurs lead in sectors such as sustainability, healthcare, and technology, developing solutions that positively impact society.
- Strengthen Local Economies:Increased participation of women in the economy leads to stronger economic growth and reduces gender disparity in wealth and employment.

With South Australia taking the lead in providing these scholarships, the state is setting an example for the rest of the country and beyond. Investing in women's entrepreneurship is a proven strategy for building stronger, more inclusive economies.
How to Get Involved

If you're an aspiring or established female entrepreneur, keep an eye out for more details on eligibility criteria and application processes.
Join the Conversation
What do you think about South Australia's efforts to support female entrepreneurs? Have you faced challenges as a woman in business?
Ensuring Ethical AI: The AI Ethics Council's Mission for an Inclusive Future
As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, its impact on society is undeniable. While AI offers extraordinary opportunities, it also raises crucial ethical concerns. Recognising the need for inclusive and responsible AI development, the AI Ethics Council was established, bringing together diverse experts to address AI's impact on historically marginalised communities.
Why AI Ethics Matters

AI has the potential to transform industries, create economic opportunities, and drive innovation. However, without ethical safeguards, it can also reinforce bias, widen social inequality, and threaten privacy. As AI systems increasingly influence areas like employment, finance, healthcare, and education, ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability is essential.

Led by Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, and John Hope Bryant, Founder of Operation HOPE, the AI Ethics Council was born out of international discussions on AI's societal impact. The initiative aims to shape ethical AI policies and ensure AI benefits all of humanity—not just the privileged few.
Focus Areas: Building a Fairer Digital Future

The Council is tackling AI ethics across critical sectors, including:

- Business & Entrepreneurship: Ensuring AI-driven job creation and economic inclusion.
- Financial Inclusion: Leveraging AI for accessible banking, credit, and financial security.
- Education: Promoting AI-driven learning tools while ensuring equal access for all.
- Employment & Career Readiness: Addressing AI's role in workforce development.
- Health & Healthcare: Using AI to improve patient outcomes without discrimination.
- Policy & Governance: Advocating for AI regulations that protect human rights.
The AI Ethics Council's Core Principles

To guide ethical AI development, the Council upholds key values:

- Safety & Security: AI systems must operate responsibly to prevent harm.
- Transparency: Users should understand how AI makes decisions.
- Accountability: Clear responsibility must be established for AI's actions.
- Inclusivity & Fairness: AI must not reinforce discrimination or biases.
- Sustainability: AI should support long-term societal and environmental well-being.
- Human Oversight: AI should assist human decision-making, not replace it.
A Call to Action: Shaping AI for the Greater Good

AI is here to stay—but how we shape its future is up to us. The AI Ethics Council invites policymakers, educators, business leaders, and communities to engage in meaningful discussions about ethical AI.

Read the 2024 AI Ethics Council Annual Report to explore the Council's first-year impact and future initiatives.
Question For You...

What concerns do you have about AI's future? How do you think AI can better serve underrepresented communities?
Causes to Support: Make an Impact Today
Here are some incredible causes that we back and invite you to support. These initiatives are creating real impact, and together, we can help them continue their meaningful work.
The Karma Dog Project
The Karma Dog Project is dedicated to improving the lives of stray and abandoned dogs in Thirumalaikodi, Tamil Nadu, India. This initiative, part of Sri Narayani Peedam's community outreach, is raising funds to build a permanent vet clinic in the rural village. This clinic will provide veterinary care, food, and sterilisation services while working closely with the local community to foster a culture of respect and kindness toward animals.
Food Programs – Anna Dhanam
Narayani Food Seva, or Anna Dhanam, has been nourishing thousands of people every single day since its inception in 1999. Hosted at Sri Annapoorani Mandapam in Sripuram, this initiative provides free meals to 8,000–10,000 people daily, ensuring that no one leaves hungry.

Sri Sakthi Amma shares that feeding people is a sacred service, and this program extends beyond the temple, offering support to local schools, orphanages, and families in need—especially during crises like COVID-19. The solar-powered kitchen and biogas fuel system help sustain this incredible mission while aligning with environmental consciousness.

By supporting Anna Dhanam, you help provide a hot meal to someone in need today.
Annual Group Sponsorship of Ganesha Puja
Be part of a year-long sacred sponsorship supporting Sri Sakthi Ganapathi and Sri Mangala Ganapathi at Sri Narayani Peedam. Through bi-monthly poojas and yagams (fire ceremonies), sponsors receive divine blessings while contributing to global peace, prosperity, and the removal of obstacles for devotees.

Join a group sponsorship that covers Chathurthi Yagams, Abhishegams, and Alankarams for the entire year. This is a beautiful way to receive divine grace while supporting temple services that uplift the spiritual well-being of many.

For details and to sponsor, email:

📩 [email protected]
📩 [email protected]
📩 [email protected]

Your support can make a tangible difference. Whether it's feeding those in need, helping animals, or contributing to a spiritual cause, every act of kindness matters.

Speaking Engagements: Inspiring Conversations on Leadership, Purpose & Wellbeing
I'm honoured to have recently participated in powerful discussions around women's leadership, personal growth, and holistic wellbeing. These events brought together incredible thought leaders and changemakers to share insights, experiences, and strategies for navigating today's challenges.
Women in Leadership – Common Factor October Series

In this insightful conversation,  Biliana Rajevic, Tracey Spicer, and I explored the barriers women face in leadership, the importance of supporting equity in decision-making roles, and how we can create meaningful change. We shared vulnerable personal experiences, career shifts, and leadership lessons that can help women confidently step into leadership positions while fostering inclusive workplaces.

Insight: Season 2024 Episode 22 – No Regrets?

Regret is something we all experience, but how much power should we give it? This episode of Insight was a deep dive into how regrets shape our decisions, emotions, and ability to move forward. I joined others in discussing personal regrets, lessons learned, and the power of self-forgiveness. The discussion explored whether it's possible to live a life free of regrets or whether we can transform them into fuel for growth.

Deepak Chopra's "Digital Dharma" Event – AI & Spiritual Intelligence
At this incredible event, I had the privilege of joining Deepak Chopra, Melanie Gleeson, and Joseph McClendon III to explore the fascinating intersection of artificial intelligence and spiritual intelligence.

One of the most profound learnings from this discussion was how AI, when used consciously, can enhance self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and holistic wellbeing. We explored:

- How AI can be used to cultivate mindfulness and emotional resilience
- The balance between technology and human potential in personal development
- The role of digital tools in creating abundance and purpose-driven success

These conversations reaffirmed that
technology is only as powerful as our intention behind it. When we approach it with awareness and wisdom, we can use it to enhance our connection to ourselves and others in ways we never imagined.
Recommended Reads: Empower Your Mind and Make a Difference
As an author and advocate for personal growth and social impact, I have come across numerous books that have profoundly influenced my journey.

In this section, I want to share with you some must-read books that inspire, educate, and motivate us to make meaningful changes in our lives and the world around us.

These books will empower you to take action and create a positive impact.

Dive into these powerful reads and discover how you can contribute to a better world.
The Life You Can Save: A Gift That Transforms Lives
What if you had the power to change lives just by reading a book? Peter Singer's The Life You Can Save is more than just a book—it's a movement. It challenges us to rethink our approach to giving and highlights how even small contributions can make a significant impact in the fight against global poverty.

In The Life You Can Save, Singer presents compelling arguments for why we should take action, how we can give effectively, and the real-world impact of thoughtful philanthropy. The book showcases inspiring stories of individuals and organisations making a difference and provides practical guidance on how each of us can be part of the solution.

The best part? This life changing book is available for free as an eBook or audiobook, making it accessible to anyone who wants to learn how to contribute to a better world. By downloading this book, you're not just gaining valuable insights you're stepping into a global community committed to creating lasting change.

Download your free copy now and discover how you can maximise the impact of your generosity.

Self Help: This Is Your Chance to Change Your Life by Gabrielle Bernstein (Author), Richard C. Schwartz Ph.D (Foreword)
In this groundbreaking book, Gabby demystifies the power of Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy, taking its life-changing teachings out of the therapist's office and into your everyday life. You'll discover how extreme patterns like addiction, rage, pleasing, or constant self-judgment often develop as ways to suppress old feelings of inadequacy, shame, or fear. Once you bring these patterns into the light and care for them, healing happens swiftly.
Higher Purpose: How to Find More Inspiration, Meaning, and Purpose in Your Life by Robert Holden
In Higher Purpose, Holden explores three distinct levels of purpose: your unique purpose, a shared purpose, and the greater purpose of life. He offers inquiries, meditations, and journaling exercises to help you live your purpose every day. And he shares stories from his own life and conversations with a host of remarkable people—Maya Angelou, Louise Hay, Jean Houston, Matthew Fox, Robert Thurman, Caroline Myss, Andrew Harvey, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, and more.
A Course in Miracles Made Easy: Mastering the Journey from Fear to Love by Alan Cohen
A Course in Miracles (ACIM)—the self-study spiritual-thought system that teaches the way to love and forgiveness—has captured the minds and hearts of millions of people, and delivered inner peace where fear and pain once prevailed.

Its universal message is unsurpassed in its power to heal. Yet many students report that they have difficulty grasping the principles, or encounter resistance to the lessons. So, even while they yearn for the spiritual freedom the Course offers, they put the book aside, hoping one day to get to it.
Be Here Now Paperback by Ram Dass
Beloved spiritual teacher Ram Dass tells the story of his spiritual awakening and gives you the tools to take control of your life in this "counterculture bible" (The New York Times) featuring powerful guidance on yoga, meditation, and finding your true self.
Books By Our Editor In Chief
Corporate Dropouts From Employee to Entrepreneur
Corporate Dropouts shares the inspirational stories of women who took the traditional corporate route but realised that the 9-5 wasn't for them. These courageous leaders threw it all in and embarked on the journey of starting their own business and building a life based on their terms. In these stories, they share the ups, the downs and lots in between on their journey from Corporate Dropout to successful CEO.
Women Who Trust: Simple And Practical Tips To Create A Powerful Legacy, Growth And Impact
Embark on a transformative journey with "Women Who Trust," crafted by bold female leaders across the globe. This book goes beyond mere inspiration, offering actionable steps and key insights that empower you to create a lasting legacy.

These pages resonate with simplicity and depth, covering topics such as entrepreneurial wisdom, embracing grief through poetry, expanding spirituality, and making bold, logical decisions.

Discover how to trust the Universe's guidance and find your voice amidst the noise of preconceived notions. Each chapter unveils practical strategies for growth and impact, making complex concepts digestible and achievable.
Are you ready to step into your power and create meaningful change? Dive into "Women Who Trust" today and start shaping your legacy with confidence.

Successful Women In Business Leadership Edition
Women entrepreneurs don't settle - they revolutionize. They don't just work within the system; they reshape it. In researching this book, one truth became undeniably clear: breaking down barriers for women in the workplace isn't just about equality, it's about unlocking unprecedented success for businesses, industries, and entire economies.

This is the future we envision. A world where seeing women at the helm of high-growth companies and global enterprises isn't a rarity but the norm. A world where ambition isn't questioned but celebrated.

This book spotlights the bold, brilliant, and unstoppable women who are rewriting the rules. From tech innovators to corporate powerhouses, these leaders come from diverse industries and backgrounds, but they share one defining trait - they dared to believe.

Starting or scaling a business is a roller coaster, equal parts exhilarating and terrifying. Yet, despite the challenges, these women have risen to shape industries, impacting communities, and inspiring the next wave of trailblazers.
Their stories echo universal truths: fear, doubt, resilience, determination and that unshakable belief that success isn't just possible, it's inevitable.

This isn't just a book. It's a movement. A rallying cry for every woman who refuses to wait for permission to lead.

Empower yourself with knowledge and take actionable steps towards making a difference. Start reading today and join the movement towards a better future.
Anjani's Top Picks: Discovered My Guided Meditations on Insight Timer
Meditation is a powerful tool for achieving inner peace, clarity, and well-being.

As a practitioner and advocate for holistic wellness, I have created a series of guided meditations on the Insight Timer APP to help you on your journey towards mindfulness and self-discovery.

Here are some of my recommended meditations that you can explore to enhance your daily practice.

1. Relationship Healing

Welcome to a healing meditation on relationships. Close your eyes, settle in, and become aware of your breath. Visualize a blanket of bright white light wrapping around you and the person you want to heal. Through intentional breathing and affirmations, release negative energy cords, dissolve contracts causing conflict, and call back your power.

Engage in forgiveness, set yourself free, and envision peace, understanding, and cooperation blossoming in your relationship. Breathe, feel the love, and embrace a brighter future.


2. Connecting to The Power of Your Soul

Embrace this lovingly crafted meditation that invites you to find tranquility and release chronic worry and anxiety. As you follow the soothing guidance, you'll relax your body and mind, disconnect from the chaos of thought, and connect with a peaceful, grounded state. Visualise a bright light cleansing and illuminating your being, leaving you feeling refreshed, calm, and safe. Embrace this meditation to find your inner peace and joy. Namaste.
3. Mastering Time Mental Fitness Gym

Welcome to "Mastering Time Mental Fitness Gym," a guided session to consciously rewire your mental programs around time. Through affirmations, you'll reshape your thoughts, focusing on prioritization, efficiency, and a positive approach to time management. Embrace a sense of ease, release guilt and pressure, and cultivate a mindset of abundance, allowing time to expand as you achieve more with less effort.

Thank You for Joining Us on This Journey!
As we wrap up this Special International Women's Month Edition of Doing Good Deeds, we hope you feel inspired by the incredible women making a difference in communities, leadership, business, and beyond. Empowerment starts with awareness and action, and each of us has the ability to uplift and support women in ways big and small.

Whether it's advocating for gender equality, supporting women-led initiatives, or mentoring the next generation, your actions create a ripple effect of change. Together, we can build a future where every woman thrives.

Stay connected for our next issue, where we continue to explore impactful ways to create a more just, inclusive, and compassionate world. Until then, let's keep raising each other up—because when women rise, we all rise. 

Join the Movement

Follow us on social media and become part of the Doing Good Deeds community. Share your stories, your actions, and your vision for a better world with us at [email protected] . Together, we'll continue to inspire others to take action.

Get Involved

Want to contribute to the magazine or have a story you think deserves to be shared? We're always looking for inspiring voices and fresh perspectives. Reach out to us at [email protected] and let's create something extraordinary together.
Until next time, keep doing good, and keep spreading kindness.

Doing Good Deeds Magazine Where Purpose Meets Impact
Publisher & Editor In Chief
Speaker | Author | Facilitator | Mentor
Managing Editor & Creative Director
© 2010 – 2023 Anjani Amriit